Post Results Services - GCSE

Exam post results services are available from the date that results are published. 

The advice below will guide you through the process, but if you have any queries, you can contact our Exams Team via the email button below.

For all post-results services, payment must be received before a request can be processed. Payments (where relevant) should be made via WisePay and a relevant consent form received. All services listed are at component level - this means that you need to say which paper(s) you would like the service for, and fees are per paper.

Students must ensure they are checking their college email regularly as this is how we will get in contact if we require any further information, and with the outcome of the request.


GCSE Qualifications - services available

1. Clerical Check

This is purely a check that a candidate’s full paper has been marked and that the marks have been added up and recorded correctly. This is not a review of the marking, or the work submitted. This service is automatically included in the review of marking option.

2. Review of Marking

Exam boards review their marking to ensure the script was marked accurately, in line with the mark scheme. It is not a re-marking of the candidate's script. This service will also include:

  • A clerical check as described above
  • If requested, a photocopy of the reviewed script(s). This usually incurs an additional charge.
3. Priority review of marking - not available for the November GCSE exam series
4. Access to Scripts

This service provides a copy of the candidate’s marked exam paper (script) and is used to see how marks were awarded throughout the script. No changes or review of marks can be made via this service. 

5. Priority Access to Scripts

This service provides a priority copy of the candidate’s marked exam paper (script) and is used to see how marks were awarded throughout the script. This service is used to see if a review of marking could be beneficial. 



Candidates must sign a relevant application/consent form giving their permission for the post-results service. For the following services, consent forms acknowledge the student understands their grade can stay the same, go up or go down, and that the new result will replace the previously issued result:

  • Clerical check
  • Review of Marking

The Exams Office must receive application/consent forms no later than 12.00 noon on the deadline listed in the table below. Any requests after this deadline will not be processed. We cannot process any requests without the application/consent form signed by the candidate.



In some cases, staff may recommend a service and if this is the case, your teacher will be in contact with you to see if you would like to start the process – your consent will be required for this.

If you would like to request a service yourself, please note the fees that apply below and payment must be received before the request is processed. Please click the link below to request a service.

You do not need to complete this request form if your teacher has advised you that the College is paying and arranging your review. Your teacher will be in contact with you to advise of your next steps.



GCSE Request Deadlines

Date Qualification type Service
30/01/25 GCSE Priority Access to Script (5)
06/02/25 GCSE Clerical check (1)
06/02/25 GCSE Review of Marking (2)
13/02/25 GCSE Access to Script (4)


GCSE Qualification Service Charges (per paper)

Service GCSE Maths GCSE English
1. Clerical check £13.10 £11.00
2. Review of marking £46.70 £42.00
4. Access to scripts TBC TBC
5. Priority access to scripts (additional cost when requested alongside or after a review of marking) £14.50  TBC